Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 76 - gotta love Saturdays :)

I'm exhausted!  I haven't done much at all today but I am exhausted.

I had my hair done today with Mum and I think we both look quite lovely.  Afterwards, Mum drove me to Greensborough and I spent some time at Savers before Brad came to pick me up.

I made a huge pot of soup (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, leek, cabbage, a tiny bit of tomato paste, garlic, turnip and spinach) and I had some for dinner.  I'll put the rest away for tea over the next few nights.

I'm really pleased with myself today.  I stood on the scales and I have lost just over 3.5kg this week.  I'll record my official weigh in weight on Monday but things are looking good so far.

There's only 25 days to go until I have my surgery.  Although it would have meant that by the time it comes it would have been just on 100 days since all of 'this' started.  It will be a relief to finally get it done.  I am still a bit nervous but can't wait until the day it happens and I can't wait to wake up to my new life after the surgery.

I SO want a glass of wine!  But I won't.  I'll have some diet lime cordial instead :)

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