Tuesday, October 17, 2023

It’s 8:15pm and I’ve managed to get through another day where I’ve put what I need to do first.  I have stuck to my eating plan (I follow the CSIRO total wellbeing diet), I’ve been to the gym and I plan on getting an early night tonight (I always feel better when I do). 

When I was at the gym tonight, I was talking to my beautiful friend Alli.  I said to her how stupid I feel when I don’t go to the gym for weeks and weeks and weeks but I then return to see how quickly I’ve lost my fitness!  This happens every time and I’m over doing it to myself.  Ideally, I’d like to be able to exercise for an hour a day.  And although I am super busy and have so many things to do (kids, work, Uni – everything else in between), I need to prioritise that hour as I feel so much better for it.  And I know that in a few weeks I will have worked out a schedule that suits.  For the moment, I’ve only got this week worked out.  But that’s better than nothing!

I’m not going to write a novel each night here either!  It’s merely a check in – something to keep me accountable.  When I have the chance, I’m going to sit down and read through my blog.  I think I started it 10 years ago.  Maybe more?  I know that I’m going to find recurring patterns – I’m exercising and eating well and then I’m not.  And when I’m not is when I normally go quiet.  I go quiet as it’s easier to ignore what’s going on rather than facing it.  But this time I want to do it differently.  When I feel like going quiet, I’m going to come here and write down what is going on through my head and see if that helps.  It’s time to change the game plan.  I’m over not being committed to myself.  I want the best for me.  And I know I am going to find it.

Steph xo

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